Downloading and Analyzing Data

Downloading and restoring database from Heroku

  1. Create a psql user if you haven’t already:

    $ sudo -u postgres createuser -P <local-username>
  2. Create a local database owned by that user:

    $ sudo -u postgres createdb -O <local-username> <dbname>
  3. Capture a database snapshot on Heroku:

    $ heroku pg:backups capture
  4. Download the snapshot from Heroku to your local machine:

    $ curl -o latest.dump `heroku pg:backups public-url`
  5. Restore database on local machine:

    $ pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U <local-username> -d <dbname> latest.dump
  6. Configure your local CAQE app to use the database. This can achieved either by setting the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI in the CAQE configuration (see caqe.configuration module) or by setting the DATABASE_URL environment variable, e.g

    $ export DATABASE_URL='postgres://<local-username>:<psql-password>@localhost/<dbname>'

MUSHRA Analysis

First make sure that you have all of the required Python packages for analysis These are not included in the main requirements.txt file because they are not needed for deployment.

$ pip install -r analysis_requirements.txt

To access and format the results of a MUSHRA listening test, either use the module:

>> import analysis
>> data = analysis.get_ratings_data()

or export the data to a CSV using the CLI command:

$ python save-data-to-csv <output_file.csv>

To plot the results of a MUSHRA listening test, either use the module

>> import analysis
>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>> data = analysis.get_ratings_data()
>> analysis.plot_mushra_boxplots(data)

or export the plot to a image file (e.g. a .png, .pdf, etc.) using the CLI command:

$ python plot-mushra-boxplots <output_file.pdf>