Test Configurations

Before running a CAQE test, the configuration variables must be set. These variables define the stimuli, quality scales, Mechanical Turk variables, instructions, etc.

The CAQE configuration variables are set in three stages:

Stage 1: The base configuration is set as defined in caqe.configuration.BaseConfig

Stage 2: CAQE reads in the configuration file whose path is set by the environment variables CAQE_CONFIG. Any uppercase variables (e.g. TEST_TYPE='mushra') in the file will be added to the configuration (and override any existing variables of the same name). If the CAQE_CONFIG variable is not set, then by default CAQE will read in the General MUSHRA configuration.

Stage 3: Lastly, another environment variable, APP_MODE, may be set to override configuration variables for development, testing, or production. See caqe.configuration.DevelopmentOverrideConfig, caqe.configuration.TestingOverrideConfig, and caqe.configuration.ProductionOverrideConfig.

Therefore, to configure your test, use a pre-defined configuration as a guide to make your own configuration file. Place this file in the src/test_configurations directory and set the environment variable to the filename. For example:

$ export CAQE_CONFIG='your_caqe_config.cfg'


All audio stimulus files should be placed in src/caqe/static/audio. They should all be in WAV format. In addition, all files for a particular condition should be of the exact same length and sample rate.

Lastly, whenever your configuration is updated, the database should be recreated:

$ python create_db.py

See also

caqe.configuration module for more information on the configuration variables.

General Overall Quality Test Configurations

General MUSHRA

File: general_mushra.cfg

A general MUSHRA (MUltiple Stimulus Hidden Reference and Anchor) configuration for evaluating overall quality of a set of audio stimuli.

To activate:

$ export CAQE_CONFIG='../test_configurations/general_mushra.cfg'

General Pairwise

File: general_pairwise.cfg

A general pairwise (e.g. A is better than B) configuration for evaluating overall quality of a set of audio stimuli.

To activate:

$ export CAQE_CONFIG='../test_configurations/general_pairwise.cfg'

Source Separation Test Configurations

Source Separation MUSHRA

File: sourceseparation_mushra.cfg

A MUSHRA (MUltiple Stimulus Hidden Reference and Anchor) configuration for evaluating output quality of audio source separation algorithms on 4 different quality scales:

  1. Preservation of the Target Sound
  2. Suppression of Other Sounds
  3. Absence of Additional Artificial Noise
  4. Lack of Distortions to the Target Sound

To activate:

$ export CAQE_CONFIG='../test_configurations/sourceseparation_mushra.cfg'

Source Separation Pairwise

File: sourceseparation_pairwise.cfg

A pairwise (e.g. A is better than B configuration for evaluating output quality of audio source separation algorithms on 4 different quality scales:

  1. Preservation of the Target Sound
  2. Suppression of Other Sounds
  3. Absence of Additional Artificial Noise
  4. Lack of Distortions to the Target Sound

To activate:

$ export CAQE_CONFIG='../test_configurations/sourceseparation_pairwise.cfg'