Downloading and Analyzing Data ============================== Downloading and restoring database from Heroku ----------------------------------------------- #. Create a psql user if you haven't already: :: $ sudo -u postgres createuser -P #. Create a local database owned by that user: :: $ sudo -u postgres createdb -O #. Capture a database snapshot on Heroku: :: $ heroku pg:backups capture #. Download the snapshot from Heroku to your local machine: :: $ curl -o latest.dump `heroku pg:backups public-url` #. Restore database on local machine: :: $ pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U -d latest.dump #. Configure your local CAQE app to use the database. This can achieved either by setting the ``SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI`` in the CAQE configuration (see :doc:`source/caqe.configuration`) or by setting the ``DATABASE_URL`` environment variable, e.g :: $ export DATABASE_URL='postgres://:@localhost/' MUSHRA Analysis --------------- First make sure that you have all of the required Python packages for analysis These are not included in the main ``requirements.txt`` file because they are not needed for deployment. :: $ pip install -r analysis_requirements.txt To access and format the results of a MUSHRA listening test, either use the ```` module: :: >> import analysis >> data = analysis.get_ratings_data() or export the data to a CSV using the CLI command: :: $ python save-data-to-csv To plot the results of a MUSHRA listening test, either use the ```` module :: >> import analysis >> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >> data = analysis.get_ratings_data() >> analysis.plot_mushra_boxplots(data) >> or export the plot to a image file (e.g. a ``.png``, ``.pdf``, etc.) using the CLI command: :: $ python plot-mushra-boxplots