Source code for caqe.turk_admin

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Amazon Mechanical Turk administration. Use this module to post, approve, expire, and bonus HITs.
import json
import datetime

import numpy as np
from boto.mturk.connection import MTurkConnection, MTurkRequestError
from boto.mturk.qualification import Qualifications, NumberHitsApprovedRequirement, \
from boto.mturk.price import Price
from boto.mturk.question import ExternalQuestion

import caqe.models as models
from caqe import app

    from secret_keys import AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_KEY
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('In order to run Amazon Mechanical Turk administration tasks, you must provide your credentials '
                      'in ``.')

[docs]def turk_connect(): """ Connect to Mechanical Turk and return a connection. This uses `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_KEY` from `` (you must put these in yourself). Returns ------- boto.MTurkConnection """ return MTurkConnection(aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_KEY, host=app.config['MTURK_HOST'])
[docs]def calculate_tsr(ratings, stimuli=('S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5', 'S6', 'S7', 'S8')): """ Calculate the Transitivity Satisfaction Rate (TSR) for a group of ratings. Parameters ---------- ratings : dict Ratings dictionary stimuli : tuple of str Tuple of stimulus identifiers in order. Returns ------- float The TSR. """ n = len(stimuli) m = np.zeros([n, n]) for k, r in ratings.items(): m[stimuli.index(r['stimuli'][0]), stimuli.index(r['stimuli'][1])] = r['selection'] == 'A' m[stimuli.index(r['stimuli'][1]), stimuli.index(r['stimuli'][0])] = not (r['selection'] == 'A') n_test = 0 n_pass = 0 for i in range(0, n - 1): for j in range(0, n - 1): for k in range(0, n - 1): if i == j or j == k: continue if m[i, j] == 1 and m[j, k] == 1: n_test += 1 if m[i, k] == 1: n_pass += 1 return float(n_pass) / n_test, n_pass, n_test, m
[docs]class TurkAdmin(object): """ Instantiate this class to connect to MTurk and perform administrative tasks. """ def __init__(self, debug=False): self.connection = turk_connect() self._hit_type_id = None self.debug = debug print app.config['MTURK_HOST'] self.all_hit_types = [self.hit_type_id, ]
[docs] def create_hits(self, num_hits, configuration=None, hit_type_id=None): """ Create `num_audio_hits` according to the parameters specified in `hit_params` Parameters ---------- num_hits: int configuration: dict hit_type_id: int, optional Returns ------- None """ if configuration is None: configuration = app.config if hit_type_id is None: hit_type_id = self.hit_type_id question = ExternalQuestion(configuration['MTURK_QUESTION_URL'], frame_height=configuration['MTURK_FRAME_HEIGHT']) for _i in range(num_hits): self.connection.create_hit(hit_type=hit_type_id, question=question, lifetime=configuration['MTURK_LIFETIME_IN_SECONDS'], max_assignments=configuration['MTURK_MAX_ASSIGNMENTS'], )
[docs] def register_hit(self, configuration=None): """ Register a hit on Mechanical Turk according to `hit_params`. This will provide you with a HITTypeId. Parameters ---------- configuration : dict Returns ------- str The HITTypeId which is how you refer to your newly registered hit with Amazon """ if configuration is None: configuration = app.config qualifications = Qualifications() if self.debug: qualifications.add(NumberHitsApprovedRequirement('GreaterThanOrEqualTo', 0)) qualifications.add(PercentAssignmentsApprovedRequirement('GreaterThanOrEqualTo', 0)) else: qualifications.add(NumberHitsApprovedRequirement('GreaterThanOrEqualTo', configuration['MTURK_NUMBER_HITS_APPROVED_REQUIREMENT'])) qualifications.add(PercentAssignmentsApprovedRequirement('GreaterThanOrEqualTo', configuration[ 'MTURK_PERCENT_ASSIGNMENTS_APPROVED_REQUIREMENT'])) hit_type = self.connection.register_hit_type(configuration['MTURK_TITLE'], configuration['MTURK_DESCRIPTION'], Price(configuration['MTURK_REWARD']), configuration['MTURK_ASSIGNMENT_DURATION_IN_SECONDS'], configuration['MTURK_KEYWORDS'], configuration['MTURK_AUTO_APPROVAL_DELAY_IN_SECONDS'], qualifications) return hit_type[0].HITTypeId
def _get_hit_type_id(self): if self._hit_type_id is None: self._hit_type_id = self.register_hit() return self._hit_type_id hit_type_id = property(fget=_get_hit_type_id)
[docs] def filter_hits(self, hits, hit_types=None): """ Return the hits whose type is in `hit_types` Parameters ---------- hits : list of boto.HIT hit_types : list of str Returns ------- list of boto.HIT """ if hit_types is None: hit_types = [self.hit_type_id] return [hit for hit in hits if hit.HITTypeId in hit_types]
[docs] def expire_all_hits(self): """ Expire all hits Returns ------- None """ for hit in self.connection.get_all_hits(): try: self.connection.expire_hit(hit.HITId) except Exception as e: print e
[docs] def expire_hits(self, hit_types=None): """ Expire all hits whose HITTypeId is in `hit_types` Parameters ---------- hit_types : list of str, optional Returns ------- None """ # todo: doc if hit_types is None: hit_types = self.all_hit_types for hit in self.filter_hits(self.connection.get_all_hits(), hit_types): self.connection.expire_hit(hit.HITId)
[docs] def dispose_hits(self, hit_types=None): """ Dispose all hits whose HITTypeId is in `hit_types` (Disposing a HIT removes it from the system). Parameters ---------- hit_types : list of str, optional Returns ------- None """ # todo: doc if hit_types is None: hit_types = self.all_hit_types for hit in self.filter_hits(self.connection.get_all_hits(), hit_types): self.connection.dispose_hit(hit.HITId)
[docs] def dispose_all_hits(self): """ Dispose all hits Returns ------- None """ for hit in self.connection.get_all_hits(): try: self.connection.dispose_hit(hit.HITId) except Exception as e: print e
[docs] def get_assignments_to_review(self, hit_type, page_size=100, page_number=1): """ Get assignments to review for the specified HIT type given page size and page number Parameters ---------- hit_type : str HITTypeId page_size : int How many assignments to return page_number : int What page of assignments to return Returns ------- assignments : list of boto.Assignment """ hits = self.connection.get_reviewable_hits(hit_type=hit_type) assignments = [] for hit in hits: assignments.extend(self.connection.get_assignments(hit.HITId, page_size=page_size, page_number=page_number)) return assignments
[docs] def get_all_assignments(self): """ Get all assignments regardless of HIT type Returns ------- assignments : list of boto.Assignment """ hits = self.connection.get_all_hits() assignments = [] for hit in hits: page = 1 while True: page_assignments = self.connection.get_assignments(hit.HITId, page_size=100, page_number=page) assignments.extend(page_assignments) page += 1 if len(page_assignments) == 0: break return assignments
[docs] def get_all_assignments_to_review(self, hit_type, status=('Submitted', 'Approved', 'Rejected')): """ Get *all* the assignments to review for the specified HIT type Parameters ---------- hit_type : str status : str, optional Assignment status. Valid values are 'Submitted', 'Approved', 'Rejected'. Returns ------- assignments: list of boto.Assignment """ assignments = [] page_number = 1 while True: # NOTE: this will retrieve all reviewable assignments (in Submitted, Approve, Rejected states) page_assignments = [a for a in self.get_assignments_to_review(hit_type, 100, page_number) if a.AssignmentStatus in status] assignments.extend(page_assignments) page_number += 1 if len(page_assignments) == 0: break return assignments
[docs] def approve_all(self, hit_types=None): """ Approve all 'Submitted' assignments Parameters ---------- hit_types : list of str, optional Returns ------- None """ if hit_types is None: hit_types = self.all_hit_types assignments = self.get_all_assignments() for a in assignments: if a.AssignmentStatus == 'Submitted': hit = self.connection.get_hit(a.HITId)[0] if hit.HITTypeId in hit_types: self.connection.approve_assignment(a.AssignmentId, 'Thank you!')
[docs] def force_approve_all(self): """ Approve all 'Submitted' assignments Returns ------- None """ assignments = self.get_all_assignments() for a in assignments: if a.AssignmentStatus == 'Submitted': self.connection.approve_assignment(a.AssignmentId, 'Thank you!')
[docs] def get_completion_times(self, assignments=None): """ Compute completion time of `assignments`. The completion time is the time between when the HIT was accepted and submitted. Parameters ---------- assignments : list of Assignment, optional The list of assignments to compute average completion time. If None, then compute on all assignments. Default is None. Returns ------- times : list of float The list of completion times in seconds. """ if assignments is None: assignments = self.get_all_assignments() times = [] for a in assignments: if a.AssignmentStatus == 'Submitted' or a.AssignmentStatus == 'Approved': fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' x = datetime.datetime.strptime(a.SubmitTime, fmt) y = datetime.datetime.strptime(a.AcceptTime, fmt) times.append((x - y).seconds) return times
[docs] def give_bonus_to_all_first_completed_trials(self, price=app.config['MTURK_FIRST_HIT_BONUS'], calculate_amt_only=False, reason=None, already_bonused_ids=set()): """ Grant bonuses for the first completed trial for each participant. Parameters ---------- price : float, optional The bonus amount to grant in dollars. Default is defined by the CAQE configuration. calculate_amt_only : bool, optional Only calculate the amount of the bonus, do not actual pay out the bonus. reason : str, optional The message to send the workers when they receive the bonus already_bonused_ids : set, optional Set of participant ids that have already been bonused Returns ------- total_bonus: float The total amount paid participants_wo_valid_asgnmts: list of caqe.models.Participant The participants who did not have valid assignments in their trial data (e.g. there must have been an error when submitting the assignment) """ if reason is None: reason = "Thanks for completing our Critical Audio Listening Task HIT. This bonus is to compensate you " \ "for the extra time needed to complete the first assignment of the HIT." total_bonus = 0 participants_wo_valid_asgnmts = [] participants = models.Participant.query.all() for p in participants: if in already_bonused_ids: continue trials = p.trials.all() if len(trials) > 0: bonus_paid = False for t in trials: try: print crowd_data = json.loads(t.crowd_data) assignment_id = crowd_data['assignment_id'] worker_id = p.crowd_worker_id if not calculate_amt_only: self.connection.grant_bonus(worker_id, assignment_id, Price(price), reason) total_bonus += price bonus_paid = True break except MTurkRequestError as e: print e continue if not bonus_paid: participants_wo_valid_asgnmts.append(p) return total_bonus, participants_wo_valid_asgnmts
[docs] def give_consistency_bonus(self, max_price=app.config['MTURK_MAX_CONSISTENCY_BONUS'], threshold=app.config['MTURK_MIN_CONSISTENCY_THRESHOLD_FOR_BONUS'], calculate_amt_only=False, reason=None, already_bonused_ids=set()): """ Grant bonuses based on ratings consistency. Bonus calculated by .. math:: ((consistency - threshold) / (1.0 - threshold)) * max\_price * (consistency > threshold)) Parameters ---------- max_price : float, optional The maximum bonus amount to grant in dollars. Default is defined by the CAQE configuration. threshold : bool Consistency must exceed this value before a bonus is paid out. Default is defined by the CAQE configuration. calculate_amt_only : bool, optional Only calculate the amount of the bonus, do not actual pay out the bonus. reason : str, optional The message to send the workers when they receive the bonus already_bonused_ids : set, optional Set of participant ids that have already been bonused Returns ------- total_bonus : float The total amount paid participants_wo_valid_asgnmts : list of caqe.models.Participant The participants who did not have valid assignments in their trial data (e.g. there must have been an error when submitting the assignment) """ if reason is None: reason = "Thanks for completing our Critical Audio Listening Task HIT. This bonus is to award you for " \ "your consistency in ratings during the task." total_bonus = 0 trials_wo_valid_asgnmts = [] trials = models.Trial.query.all() for t in trials: if in already_bonused_ids: continue try: crowd_data = json.loads(t.crowd_data) data = json.loads( assignment_id = crowd_data['assignment_id'] worker_id = t.participant.crowd_worker_id consistency = calculate_tsr(data['rating'])[0] price = round( abs(((consistency - threshold) / (1.0 - threshold)) * max_price * (consistency > threshold)), 2) if not calculate_amt_only and price > 0.0: print price self.connection.grant_bonus(worker_id, assignment_id, Price(price), reason) total_bonus += price except MTurkRequestError as e: print e trials_wo_valid_asgnmts.append(t) return total_bonus, trials_wo_valid_asgnmts