Source code for caqe.configuration

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A app configuration defines the user-tunable parameters of the application and also the quality evaluation such as the:

* Amazon Mechanical Turk HIT description, pricing, keywords, etc.
* The description and instructions of the task
* The configuration of the type of test (e.g 'mushra' or 'pairwise')
* The definition of the quality scales
* The paths to the audio stimuli
* Which components of the evaluation are active (e.g. pre-test survey, post-test survey, hearing screening, etc.)

This subpackage contains a base configuration which contains overridable defaults, as well as pre-defined testing
configurations for common audio quality evaluation scenarios. Make sure that before you run a test that you at least
change the stimuli and the ``SERVER_ADDRESS`` variable.

.. seealso:: :doc:`../test_configurations`

import os

    from secret_keys import CSRF_SECRET_KEY, SESSION_KEY
except ImportError:
        CSRF_SECRET_KEY = os.environ['CSRF_SECRET_KEY']
        SESSION_KEY = os.environ['SESSION_KEY']
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError('No keys found. Either define a file (using or set the '
                       'keys using environment variables.')

# Get the application mode from the environment variable APP_MODE
APP_MODE = os.getenv('APP_MODE')


HEARING_RESPONSE_NFREQS = 8 # number of different frequencies
HEARING_RESPONSE_NADD = 3 # number of max additional tones (60 for 10dB, 3 for 20dB Spacing)

[docs]class BaseConfig(object): """ The base application configuration. Attributes ---------- DEBUG : bool Enable/disable debug mode (see Flask docs) (default is False) TESTING : bool Enable/disable testing mode (see Flask docs) (default is False) SECRET_KEY : str If a secret key is set, cryptographic components can use this to sign cookies and other things. Set this to a complex random value when you want to use the secure cookie for instance. Set via `` or using environment variable 'SECRET_KEY'. (see Flask Docs) CSRF_SESSION_KEY : str A Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) secret key for signing data. Set via `` or using environment variable 'CSRF_SESSION_KEY'. (see Flask docs) CSRF_ENABLED : bool Enable/disable protection against *Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF)* (see Flask docs) (default is True) SERVER_ADDRESS : str The name and port number of the server. Do not include 'http'. (e.g.: 'caqe.local:5000') (see Flask docs) Can be set via environment variable 'SERVER_ADDRESS'. (default is 'caqe.local:5000') SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI : str The database URI that should be used for the connection (see Flask-SQLAlchemy docs). Examples: * sqlite:////tmp/test.db * mysql://username:password@server/db Can be set via environment variable 'DATABASE_URL'. (default is'sqlite:////~/caqe.db') PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME : str The URL scheme that should be used for URL generation if no URL scheme is available. 'http' or 'https' (default is 'https') AUDIO_FILE_DIRECTORY : str Relative directory path to testing audio stimuli. (default is 'static/audio') ENCRYPT_AUDIO_STIMULI_URLS : bool Enable/disable encryption of the URLs so that users can't game consistency. (default is True) TEST_TYPE : str The test type (limited to 'pairwise' or 'mushra' for now). (default is None) ANONYMOUS_PARTICIPANTS_ENABLED : bool Enable/disable participants to enter through '/anonymous' entry point. (default is False) IP_COLLECTION_ENABLED : bool Enable/disable collection participants' IP addresses. (default is True) OBTAIN_CONSENT : bool If True, obtain consent from each participant (see consent.html) (default is True) PRE_TEST_SURVEY_ENABLED : bool If True, ask participants a survey before evaluation (see pre_test_survey.html). (default is True) PRE_TEST_SURVEY_INCLUSION_CRITERIA : list of str Pre-test survey inclusion criteria. (default is ["int(survey['age']) >= 18", "survey['hearing_disorder'] == 'No'"]) POST_TEST_SURVEY_ENABLED : bool If True, ask participants a survey after evaluation (see post_test_survey.html) (default is True) HEARING_RESPONSE_ESTIMATION_ENABLED : bool If enabled, ask participants to complete the in-situ hearing response estimation. (default is True) CONDITIONS_PER_EVALUATION : int The number of conditions to present to a participant in a single visit to '/evaluate'. Note that currently evaluation is limited to one condition group. So if this value is more than 1, there must be at least as many conditions per group as there are conditions per evaluation for this to have an effect. It is also recommended that an integer multiple of `CONDITIONS_PER_EVALUATION` comprise the number of conditions per group. For example, if there are 28 conditions in a group, set the number of `CONDITIONS_PER_EVALUATION` to 14 or 7. (default is 1) TRIALS_PER_CONDITION : int The number of trials we should collect per condition (with distinct participants). (default is 20) LIMIT_SUBJECT_TO_ONE_TASK_TYPE : bool If True, each subject is limited to one type of Test. (default is True) TEST_CONDITION_ORDER_RANDOMIZED : bool Randomize the condition order per test for each participant. (default is True) STIMULUS_ORDER_RANDOMIZED : bool Randomize the stimulus order per for each condition. (default is True) HEARING_SCREENING_TEST_ENABLED : bool Set to True if you want the participants to be required to take a hearing screening test. (default is True) HEARING_TEST_EXPIRATION_HOURS : int The number of hours their hearing test is valid for (they must retake after this time has passed) (default is 24) MAX_HEARING_TEST_ATTEMPTS : int The number of attempts one has before they are sent away (they must wait `hearing_test_expiration_hours` to take it again) (default is 2) HEARING_TEST_REJECTION_ENABLED : bool If this is set to True, then we still test the users, but we don't reject them. (default is True) HEARING_RESPONSE_NOPTIONS : int Max number of frequencies for user to respond with in hearing response estimation. (default is 20) MTURK_HOST : str Amazon Mechanical Turk host location. By default set it to the sandbox, and configure it via an environment variable (so, it can be easily modified when deploying and testing using Heroku). Can be set via environment variable 'MTURK_HOST'. (default is '') MTURK_QUESTION_URL : str Entry point URL. (default is 'https://%s/mturk' % SERVER_ADDRESS) MTURK_REWARD : float This is the reward given to each worker for an approved assignment (in USD) (note that Amazon takes their Mechanical Turk Fee on top of this. See (default is 0.50) MTURK_FIRST_HIT_BONUS : float The default bonus reward in USD that is optionally given (using ````) to participants that completed the first assignment, which may have additional testing (e.g. survey, hearing tests, etc.) (default is 0.30) MTURK_MAX_CONSISTENCY_BONUS : float The defualt maximum bonus reward in USD for pairwise consistency. This optional bonus is given using ````. (default is 0.25) MTURK_MIN_CONSISTENCY_THRESHOLD_FOR_BONUS : float The minimum pairwise consistency required to receive the optional bonus (given through ````.) (default is 0.7) MTURK_NUMBER_HITS_APPROVED_REQUIREMENT : int MTurk worker must have this many approved HITs to accept task. (default is 1000) MTURK_PERCENT_ASSIGNMENTS_APPROVED_REQUIREMENT : int MTurk worker must have this percentage of approved assignments to accept task. (default is 97) MTURK_TITLE : str Title of MTurk HIT (default is 'Critical audio listening task. Listen to audio recordings and rate them on various scales of quality.') MTURK_DESCRIPTION : str Description of MTurk HIT. (default is 'This listening test aims to rate the quality of a set of signals in comparison to a reference signal. Note that while the maximum number assignments a worker can do is 10, it's possible that fewer than 10 may be available to you. \*\*CHROME ONLY\*\* \*\*BONUS AVAILABLE\*\*') MTURK_KEYWORDS : str Keywords for MTurk HIT. (default is 'audio, sound, music, listening, research') MTURK_ASSIGNMENT_DURATION_IN_SECONDS : int Accepted MTurk assignments must be completed within this duration or they will be released to other workers (default is 60 * 30, i.e. 30 minutes) MTURK_LIFETIME_IN_SECONDS : int HITs expire (no one can accept them) after this duration since being posted. (default is 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, i.e 1 week) MTURK_FRAME_HEIGHT : int The size of the Mechanical Turk browser frame (default is 1200) ACCEPTABLE_BROWSERS : list of str The set of acceptable browsers. set as None to disable browser rejection. (default is ['chrome',]) BEGIN_BUTTON_ENABLED : bool If true, participants will have to click a button that launches a new window. This is useful in order to delay condition assignment until the user is engaged in the task, and allows a new window to be launched that is bigger than the Mechanical Turk frame for instance. (default is True) POPUP_WIDTH : int The width of the window launched when participants press the "begin button" the task. (default is 1200) POPUP_HEIGHT : int The height of the window launched when participants press the "begin button" the task. (default is 1200) TEST_TIMEOUT_SEC : float The participant must spend at least this amount of time on the evaluation task before submission. (default is 60.) REQUIRE_LISTENING_TO_ALL_TRAINING_SOUNDS : bool If True, the participant must listen to all of the training sounds before proceeding to the evaluation task. (default is True) PREVIEW_HTML : str The HTML content of the preview page. This will be the same for all conditions, regardless of test since conditions are assigned on the fly (so we can have complete control over condition assignment). (default is None) MIN_RATING_VALUE : int The minimum rating value on the MUSHRA slider. (default is 0) MAX_RATING_VALUE : int The maximum rating value on the MUSHRA slider. (default is 99) DEFAULT_RATING_VALUE : int The default rating value on the MUSHRA slider. (default is 50) TESTS : list of dict The test and condition-specific configuration variables. Note that if 'evaluation_instructions_html' is not None in the condition, it will override the instructions defined in the test. Note also that reference keys must be alphanumeric and stimulus keys must begin with 'S' followed by a number, e.g. 'S29'. The dicts are of the form:: {'test_config_variables': {'test_title': '...', # The test title that is displayed on the evaluation page 'first_task_introduction_html': '...', # Content of the intro page the first time they do a task 'introduction_html': '...', # Content of the intro page (after the first time they perform the task) 'training_instructions_html': '...', # The HTML content of the training instructions 'evaluation_instructions_html': '...'}, # The HTML content of the evaluation instructions 'references' : (('<reference_name>', '<reference_description>'),), # Reference names and descriptions 'reference_example_dict': {'<reference_name}': url_for('static', filename='audio/<reference_filename>.wav'), ... }, 'quality_example_dict': {'<example_type0>': [url_for('static', filename='audio/<example0_filename>.wav'), url_for('static', filename='audio/<example1_filename>.wav'),], '<example_type1>': [url_for('static', filename='audio/<example3_filename>),]}}, 'condition_groups' : [{'reference_files': {<reference_name>: '<reference_filename>.wav',}, {'stimulus_files': {'S1': '<S1_filename>.wav', 'S2': '<S2_filename>,wav',}}, {'conditions': [{'reference_keys': [<reference_name>,], 'stimulus_keys': ['S1','S2','S7', ... ], 'evaluation_instructions_html': <condition_specific_evaluation_instructions>},]},]} (default is []) Note ---- For testing, add: :: caqe.local to /etc/hosts We need to set the SERVER_ADDRESS to resolve ``url_for`` definitions when constructing the database, but we can't simply use `localhost` because the secure sessions are not compatible with that. """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BACKEND VARIABLES TESTING = False DEBUG = False SECRET_KEY = CSRF_SECRET_KEY CSRF_SESSION_KEY = SESSION_KEY CSRF_ENABLED = True SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = os.getenv('DATABASE_URL', 'sqlite:////%s' % os.path.expanduser('~/caqe.db')) SERVER_ADDRESS = os.getenv('SERVER_ADDRESS', 'caqe.local:5000') PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = 'https' AUDIO_FILE_DIRECTORY = 'static/audio' ENCRYPT_AUDIO_STIMULI_URLS = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TESTING VARIABLES TEST_TYPE = None ANONYMOUS_PARTICIPANTS_ENABLED = False IP_COLLECTION_ENABLED = True OBTAIN_CONSENT = False PRE_TEST_SURVEY_ENABLED = True PRE_TEST_SURVEY_INCLUSION_CRITERIA = ["int(survey['age']) >= 18", "survey['hearing_disorder'] == 'No'"] POST_TEST_SURVEY_ENABLED = True HEARING_RESPONSE_ESTIMATION_ENABLED = True CONDITIONS_PER_EVALUATION = 1 TRIALS_PER_CONDITION = 20 LIMIT_SUBJECT_TO_ONE_TASK_TYPE = True TEST_CONDITION_ORDER_RANDOMIZED = True STIMULUS_ORDER_RANDOMIZED = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HEARING SCREENING VARIABLES HEARING_SCREENING_TEST_ENABLED = True HEARING_TEST_EXPIRATION_HOURS = 24 MAX_HEARING_TEST_ATTEMPTS = 2 HEARING_TEST_REJECTION_ENABLED = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HEARING RESPONSE ESTIMATION VARIABLES HEARING_RESPONSE_NOPTIONS = 20 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MECHANICAL TURK VARIABLES MTURK_HOST = os.getenv('MTURK_HOST', '') MTURK_QUESTION_URL = 'https://%s/mturk' % SERVER_ADDRESS MTURK_REWARD = 0.50 MTURK_FIRST_HIT_BONUS = 0.30 MTURK_MAX_CONSISTENCY_BONUS = 0.25 MTURK_MIN_CONSISTENCY_THRESHOLD_FOR_BONUS = 0.7 MTURK_NUMBER_HITS_APPROVED_REQUIREMENT = 1000 MTURK_PERCENT_ASSIGNMENTS_APPROVED_REQUIREMENT = 97 MTURK_TITLE = 'Critical audio listening task. Listen to audio recordings and rate them on various ' \ 'scales of quality.' MTURK_DESCRIPTION = 'This listening test aims to rate the quality of a set of signals in comparison to a reference ' \ 'signal. Note that while the maximum number assignments a worker can do is 10, it\'s possible that ' \ 'fewer than 10 may be available to you. **CHROME ONLY** **BONUS AVAILABLE**' MTURK_KEYWORDS = 'audio, sound, music, listening, research' MTURK_ASSIGNMENT_DURATION_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 30 MTURK_LIFETIME_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 MTURK_MAX_ASSIGNMENTS = 200 MTURK_AUTO_APPROVAL_DELAY_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1 # 1 day MTURK_FRAME_HEIGHT = 1200 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FRONT-END VARIABLES ACCEPTABLE_BROWSERS = ['chrome'] BEGIN_BUTTON_ENABLED = True POPUP_WIDTH = 1200 POPUP_HEIGHT = 1200 TEST_TIMEOUT_SEC = 60. REQUIRE_LISTENING_TO_ALL_TRAINING_SOUNDS = True PREVIEW_HTML = None MIN_RATING_VALUE = 0 MAX_RATING_VALUE = 99 DEFAULT_RATING_VALUE = 50 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFAULT CONDITION AND TEST-SPECIFIC VARIABLES # (These will be configured for each condition and saved in the database) TESTS = []
[docs]class TestingOverrideConfig(object): """ Override config for testing. Note ---- To enable these parameters set environment variable ``APP_MODE`` to 'TESTING'. In Linux: :: $ export APP_MODE=TESTING """ TESTING = True DEBUG = True SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite://' SERVER_ADDRESS = 'caqe.local:5000' MTURK_QUESTION_URL = 'https://%s/mturk' % SERVER_ADDRESS PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = 'http'
[docs]class DevelopmentOverrideConfig(object): """ Override config for development. Note ---- To enable these parameters set environment variable ``APP_MODE`` to 'DEVELOPMENT'. In Linux: :: $ export APP_MODE=DEVELOPMENT """ DEBUG = True SERVER_ADDRESS = 'caqe.local:5000' MTURK_QUESTION_URL = 'https://%s/mturk' % SERVER_ADDRESS HEARING_TEST_REJECTION_ENABLED = False PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = 'http' REQUIRE_LISTENING_TO_ALL_TRAINING_SOUNDS = False
[docs]class ProductionOverrideConfig(object): """ Override config for production. Note ---- To enable these parameters set environment variable ``APP_MODE`` to 'PRODUCTION'. In Linux: :: $ export APP_MODE=PRODUCTION """ TESTING = False DEBUG = False