Source code for analysis

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Analysis module for estimating scores for performing statistical tests.

Run on the command line, e.g.: ::

    $ python

.. note:: This module has dependencies not required by the CAQE web application. To install these dependencies, run ``pip install -r analysis_requirements.txt``.
import argparse
import copy
import json

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

from caqe.models import Condition
from caqe import app

[docs]def get_ratings_data(output_file=None): """ Get the ratings data from the database as a DataFrame Parameters ---------- output_file : str A filepath to an output CSV file (default is None) Returns ------- ratings : pandas.DataFrame All of the rating data from the dictionary. """ conditions = Condition.query.all() ratings = [] for c in conditions: for t in c.trials.all(): t_data = json.loads( trial_ratings = t_data['ratings'] del t_data['ratings'] row = {'test_id': c.test_id, 'trial_id':, 'condition_id':, 'participant_id': t.participant_id, 'participant_crowd_worker_id': t.participant.crowd_worker_id, 'participant_platform': t.participant.platform, 'participant_passed_hearing_test': t.participant_passed_hearing_test, 'participant_hearing_test_attempts': t.participant.hearing_test_attempts, 'participant_hearing_test_last_attempt': t.participant.hearing_test_last_attempt, 'participant_pre_test_survey': t.participant.pre_test_survey, 'participant_post_test_survey': t.participant.post_test_survey, 'participant_hearing_response_estimation': t.participant.hearing_response_estimation, 'data': json.dumps(t_data)} for k, v in trial_ratings.items(): r = copy.deepcopy(row) r['stimulus'] = k r['rating'] = float(v) ratings.append(r) ratings = pd.DataFrame.from_records(ratings) if output_file is not None: ratings.to_csv(output_file) return ratings
[docs]def plot_mushra_boxplots(data, size=5, output_file=None): """ Plot the MUSHRA ratings as a grid of boxplots. If `output_file` is defined, then save the plot to file. Parameters ---------- data: pandas.DataFrame The ratings data obtained from `get_ratings_data`. size : float Height of each boxplot in inches. (default is 5) output_file: str Path to the output file location. (default is None) Returns ------- g : seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid """ g = sns.factorplot(x='stimulus', y='rating', data=data, row='condition_id', kind='box', notch=True, size=size) g.set(ylim=(app.config['MIN_RATING_VALUE'], app.config['MAX_RATING_VALUE'])) if output_file is not None: g.savefig(output_file)
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Analyze and plot CAQE results.') sp = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command') ch = sp.add_parser('plot-mushra-boxplots', help='Plot the MUSHRA ratings as a grid of boxplots.') ch.add_argument('output_file', type=str, help='Path to output file location') ch.add_argument('--size', type=float, help='Height of each boxplot in inches.', default=5.) ch = sp.add_parser('save-data-to-csv', help='Save ratings data to a csv file.') ch.add_argument('output_file', type=str, help='Path to output file location') args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == 'plot-mushra-boxplots': data = get_ratings_data() plot_mushra_boxplots(data, size=args.size, output_file=args.output_file) elif args.command == 'save-data-to-csv': get_ratings_data(args.output_file)