Development =========== The following installation instructions are for Ubuntu. #. Install dependencies if they are not already installed. (for platforms other than Ubuntu, follow the `installation instructions `_):: $ sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-dev postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all #. Clone or download the CAQE repository from Github: , e.g. :: $ git clone $ cd CAQE #. (*optional*) Install ``virtualenv`` (if not installed already) and create a ``caqe`` virtual environment :: $ sudo pip install virtualenv $ virtualenv ~/Envs/caqe $ source ~/Envs/caqe/bin/activate #. Install the python module dependencies in ``requirements.txt`` using ``pip``.:: $ pip install -r requirements.txt #. Configure testing variables as described in :doc:`test_configurations`. #. Set `APP_MODE` to `DEVELOPMENT`:: $ export APP_MODE=DEVELOPMENT #. Generate `` (don't check this file into source control):: $ cd src $ python #. Create the database:: $ python #. Add `` caqe.local`` to a new line in your ``/etc/hosts`` file. #. Start the development server:: $ python #. Go to http://caqe.local:5000/mturk_debug to test the configuration. #. Stop the server with ``ctrl-c``.